What We Think
Mergers and Acquisitions as a Growth Strategy for Middle-Market Companies
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) present a powerful avenue for expansion, offering opportunities that organic growth may not achieve as quickly. This article will explore how acquisitions can serve as a growth strategy for middle-market companies, drawing upon key insights from various sources.
From Budget to Strategic Roadmap: A Six-Step Framework for Building a Sustainable Business
This article provides a practical framework to help small and mid-sized businesses translate their budget into a robust, actionable strategic plan. Transforming a budget from a static financial document into a dynamic roadmap requires careful consideration and a structured approach. This framework will guide you through that process, enabling you to focus on strategic decision-making rather than getting lost in the complexities.
Unlocking Your Business's True Potential: A Guide to Value Drivers for Business Owners
How to maximize Business Value and demonstrate to potential buyers that your business is profitable, sustainable, scalable, and poised for future growth. Highpoint CFO
Charting Your Course: Why Your Business Needs a Strategic Plan
A well-crafted strategic plan provides direction, clarity, and a framework for making informed decisions. But where do you start? Here's a step-by-step guide to developing a strategic plan.
2025: What to Expect and How to Plan
2025 is just around the corner, and for business owners, it's time to look back at 2024 and prepare for 2025. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you navigate the evolving economic landscape.
How to Get a 360-Degree View of Your Company
As a business owner, it's critical to have a comprehensive understanding of your financial position. This means having a clear view of your historical performance, current situation, and the road ahead. Achieving this 360-degree view of your financial information is essential for making informed decisions and ensuring the long-term success of your business.
How To Get the Most Out of Your Cash Accounts and Banking Relationships - A Guide for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses
This article discusses how to get the most out of your cash accounts and banking relationship. We’ll cover how to benefit from the current interest rates and other services your bank may offer.
Business Owners: Looking Ahead to 2023 and How to Prepare for What's Ahead
Preparing a projection for the new year is essential. 2023 may present challenges many business owners have not encountered, including rising interest rates, inflation, and a possible recession. This article will help you navigate these challenges and be prepared to take advantage of opportunities that arise.
Invest in Human Resources and Increase Your Company’s Value
This article explains how effectively managed Human Resources (“HR”) increases your company’s value. Our goal is to ensure your HR function not only accomplishes the necessary tasks required to run your business but is an investment in the long-term value of your company.
Reducing Costs - A Six-Step Framework for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses
Our previous post addressed raising prices. In this article, we look at how small and mid-sized businesses can reduce costs. Cutting costs is challenging. You grew your company and made decisions to get to where you are and you must re-think some of those decisions to adapt and thrive. You have to make decisions that will affect, sometimes negatively, your employees, your vendors, and your customers. The purpose of this article is to give you a starting point and framework to follow so you can focus on your decisions rather than figuring out how to proceed.
Raising Prices to Manage the Impact of Inflation
Raising prices to manage inflation’s impact may be necessary for many small and mid-sized businesses. Most owners are understandably hesitant to raise prices. Waiting too long can cause disruptions to cash flow and your bottom line that may be difficult to recover from.
This article provides 5-steps to change your prices proactively.
Summer Reading List for Owners of Small and Mid-sized Businesses
Popular business book lists typically include motivational, team-building tips on growing your business or autobiographies of successful entrepreneurs. Rarely do I see books about getting your business ready to sell, planning for an exit, financing, or M&A. These topics may not make it on a best sellers list, but in my experience, they are of interest to most business owners.
How Can a Fractional CFO Help My Company?
Throughout most companies’ lifecycle, you will benefit from the experience of a CFO. A Fractional CFO allows you to get the expertise you need when you need it and at a cost that fits your budget.
Financial Habits of Highly Successful Companies
Though some of these companies were large publicly traded companies, any company, large or small, can benefit from these ideas on financial habits.
Invest in IT and Increase Your Company’s Value
This article explains how your IT infrastructure purchases can increase your company’s value. Our goal is to help you make sure your IT expenditures are an investment in your company that leadership teams value and understand.
Does Your Business Need a Budget?
Budgets are essential for private companies of all sizes, and this article will help you understand why and where to focus your energy when preparing a budget. Doing so will increase your return on investments, improve your decisions, and help you meet your goals.
Business Owners: One of the Most Important Decisions You Will Make
How you sell your business impacts your financial future, family, and employees. The exit lane you select determines how far you will go towards meeting your personal financial goals. Once you commit to an exit lane, it’s challenging to change course, so plan early and choose wisely.
When Should I Sell My Business?
Timing the market is a risky strategy. It is especially risky for private business owners who don't have time to analyze economic and market data.
The good news is, you don’t need to time the market. You can take steps now to ensure you can exit when the time is right for you.
Why Are CFO Consultants in High Demand?
The Wall Street Journal noted demand for part-time CFO consultants is heating up". This demand is coming from companies across the spectrum of sizes and stages. For many challenges, CFO consultants are often the ideal solution. Technology has opened the door for remote client service. Highpoint CFO is a Tampa-based CFO Consulting firm that serves clients throughout the US.
Managing Your Private Business as Part of Your Investment Portfolio
Owners of a small or medium-sized business need to pay extra attention to how their company impacts their portfolio. By addressing its unique nature as an investment, both their company and portfolio will be more valuable.